St Richard’s bereavement service offers confidential support for anyone who has experienced the death of a close biological or chosen family member, or friend.
Our specialist service is part of the Family Support Team, which provides comprehensive support for adults and children.
The death of a close family member or friend can be devastating and can bring about stronger emotions than we have previously experienced. For some people grieving starts at the time of death and for others it starts at the time of diagnosis. Grieving is a normal process following bereavement and can affect people in different ways – whether emotionally, physically, socially and in many practical areas of life.
It can be a confusing time with mixed thoughts and emotions. The world with which we were familiar has changed and as with any change, it is often difficult to get used to a new situation. Some people may not show or feel any emotion at all. For others, it can be experienced immediately or later – there are no set time scales. There is no right or wrong way to be following bereavement and everyone’s experience is unique.
At St Richard’s we recognise that many people are able to grieve with support from family and friends coping with death as a normal, but hard, part of life. However, some find it difficult and may find it helpful to share feelings and experiences with someone from outside their immediate circle.
Our Family Support Team is made up of a number of skilled professionals including accredited counsellors, experienced social workers and a team of highly trained Family Support Volunteers. Our services are free and confidential and you can choose to access them at any time.
If you would like to speak to us about accessing bereavement support, please call our Gateway Team on 01905 763963.
We have developed a range of different services that can be tailored to provide you with care and support to meet your specific needs. These include:
Telephone Support:
You can receive telephone support from our Family Support Team which can be arranged to suit your personal needs.
One to one support:
This is personal support where you meet with either one of our Counsellors, Family Support Volunteers or Family Practitioners, depending on your individual needs and circumstances.
Group support for adults:
We offer various types of bereavement groups. These include therapeutic groups which meet a couple of times a year for a number of weeks, to identify ways of coping and to support each other. We also host an informal social group for those who wish to meet others who have experienced similar losses and meet up for a drink and a chat. Groups run either face-to-face, or virtually by video call.
Groups for children, young people and their parent or carer:
We run a group for bereaved children, young people and their parent or carer. Families benefit from professional and peer support, meeting people in a similar situation and with similar issues.
Group members must be known to St Richard’s Hospice. Groups run either face-to-face, or virtually by video call.
Bereavement Support South Worcestershire
Bereavement Support South Worcestershire, run by St Richard’s Hospice, offers various types of bereavement support.
We offer support for any type of bereavement, but we very often work with individuals and families who have experienced traumatic and unexpected loss.
Find out more about Bereavement Support South Worcestershire
Bereavement webinars
Hear members of the Family Support Team at St Richard’s Hospice explore grief and bereavement. Learn about the symptoms of grief, and listen to the team discuss ways of coping with bereavement.
Self care through Christmas
Join Nikki Butterworth, Family Support Practitioner, and Sarah Bruce, Community Chaplain, for a webinar exploring the difficulties Christmas can present to someone who is grieving.
Learn tips on how to cope through the festive season, and join Sarah in a mindful meditation session.
Captions for this video are available on YouTube.
How to comfort a loved one whose parent has a serious, progressive illness
A parent dying is sadly something that many of us will have to deal with during our lifetime, but despite how common this is, we often struggle to know how to comfort someone who is experiencing the death of a parent.
Grief can take many forms, and the journey following the death of a parent will be unique for each person. Read an article with advice on ways you can help support someone in this situation.