Corporate volunteering

If your organisation would like to support us with corporate volunteering, please complete the form below.
Corporate volunteering holds an array of benefits for your company and workforce.
ISO Quality Services Ltd, based in Worcester, donated four days to the hospice: working to revamp the children’s area in its grounds, clearing weeds and repainting garden furniture.
Jennifer Semini, Managing Director said:
Volunteering allows you the opportunity to give something that money can’t buy, your time, but the experience can also be a great team building exercise and an opportunity for employees to develop new skills.
Fundraising at work
We are passionate about supporting our families and community. We are keen to work with like-minded companies who want to make a positive difference to the lives of our patients and families.
Every business has to entertain clients, attract new customers, motivate their employees, and engage their suppliers. We are here to help!
St Richard’s is a well-recognised name across Worcestershire and companies are keen to associate themselves with our inspiring charity, to achieve their social responsibility objectives.
Whether making a straight forward donation, taking on a team-building challenge or choosing us as you charity of the year- we have initiatives to suit all sizes and budgets.
To join the progressive and dedicated local companies already supporting us please contact:
Ria Simons, Corporate Fundraiser or 01905 763963 to arrange a meeting to discuss working together.
Download our Corporate Partnerships brochure to see how you can get involved further and the benefits for your company.
Match Funding
Many companies, and in particular banks, offer their employees the opportunity of Match Funding, this can often be as much as £1,000. It is always worth checking if your employer will match your fundraising efforts. If you are an employee with an unused allowance, please get in touch and see how you could help at one of our events. To find out more contact Ria Simons, Corporate Fundraiser on