Payroll Giving

Giving to St Richard’s Hospice through your payroll is a simple and tax-efficient way to support your local hospice. 

Committing to payroll giving provides St Richard’s with a regular, reliable income stream that allows us to plan ahead, whilst giving you the benefit of generous tax relief.

How does it work? 

Payroll Giving is a simple scheme that allows you to give to charity directly from your salary. The donation is taken before tax meaning that in addition to giving to St Richard’s Hospice, you pay less in tax each month.

Why give? 

Payroll giving allows us to plan effectively so we can provide care for our patients and families. Your gift will help us raise the funds we need to continue to care. 

What do I do next? 

Ask your payroll giving department if they have a Give As You Earn scheme in place. If your employer does not already have a payroll giving scheme in place, don’t worry it is quick and easy to set up. 

The HM Revenue and Customs website has lots of useful information and a list of approved payroll giving agencies:

After checking a payroll scheme is in place, complete the form on our Payroll Giving flyer and return one copy to Fundraising, St Richard’s Hospice, Wildwood Drive, Worcester. WR5 2QT and one copy to your payroll department at work.

Read our leaflet on Payroll Giving for more information. 

For more information, please contact Ria Simons, Corporate Fundraiser, on on call 01905 958262.

Download our Corporate Partnerships brochure to see how you can get involved further and the benefits for your company.

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