I want to Gift Aid my current donation and any donations I may make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
I will notify St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd of any change in my personal circumstances, such as name and address, or that I no longer pay UK Income or Capital Gains tax or I wish to cancel the declaration either by contacting the
Commercial Department via email, phoning via 01905 763963 or writing to Retail Gift Aid, St Richard’s Hospice, Wildwood Drive, Worcester WR5 2QT.
I wish St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd to act as my agent in offering my goods for sale, at a charge of 2% plus VAT which shall be deducted from the proceeds of sale.
The goods which I am offering to St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd are my own to give and do not belong to another household.
I am not acting as a business in bringing goods in for sale to any St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd premises.
I understand that this agency agreement is a legally binding contract.
I understand that if St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd are unable to sell any of the goods they will have the right to dispose of the goods as they see fit and cannot be returned to the donor.
I agree that St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any donated goods.
I agree that St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd will NOT write to me to confirm donations, if the total value of the money raised, after deduction of Commission and VAT (Net Sales Proceeds), from the sale of my goods in any tax year is equal to or less than £1,000 and the Net Sales Proceeds will be treated as a donation to St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd.
If the value of the goods sell for less than £20 we will not send an end of year tax statement. If the value of the goods sell for less than £20 consecutively for 3 years we will send you an end of year tax statement on the 3rd year. If you still wish to receive an end of year tax statement in the event the goods have sold for less than £20 in every tax year, please contact administration.
I understand that St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd WILL contact me, if the Net Sales Proceeds are in excess of £1,000, to give me the opportunity to donate the proceeds in excess of £1,000.
I understand that St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd WILL send me an end of year tax statement, even if monies raised are less than £1,000 detailing the Net Sales Proceeds and Gift Aid reclaimed in that tax year.
If an email address has been provided St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co will send you an end of year tax statement by email. If the email fails, we will need to inform you by post.
Either I or St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd may terminate this Agreement at any time by written notice.
St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co Ltd may vary the terms of this Agreement at any time by written notice to me.
Your details will be shared with HMRC in order to enable St Richard’s Hospice Trading Co to make a Gift Aid claim.