Our free Living Well wellbeing sessions are for people with an illness that cannot be cured, and their carers, to help them learn how to manage their symptoms at home.
The eight-week rolling sessions are open to people living with illnesses such as cancer, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease, Parkinson’s disease and motor neurone disease and who are registered with a south Worcestershire GP.
Sessions provide patients with new skills, strategies and techniques through education, exercise, therapies and group support.
With many sessions participants will be encouraged to practice techniques to learn how to manage symptoms at home; to help gain the maximum benefit from learnings and develop confidence to continue practicing.
Wellbeing sessions are co-ordinated and run by a wide range of hospice staff with support from trained volunteers.
Sessions run on a Tuesday from 10am to 11.30am and take place in a group setting, face-to-face at the hospice at Wildwood Drive.
How to book: places at wellbeing sessions are popular, so to register your interest please speak to a clinical member of the team involved in your care directly or contact the Living Well administration team on 01905 763963 or by emailing
A member of the team will be in touch to confirm your place on the session.