St Richard’s offers free, expert care and support for adults with an illness that cannot be cured, their loved ones and carers.
St Richard’s is an independent registered charity. The majority of income is from public donations, including gifts in Wills, one-off or regular donations, fundraising events and personal challenges, trading, legacies and grants from trusts and business sponsorship. Approximately a quarter of income is funded from the NHS.
- There are 250 full and part-time staff led by our Executive Team and our Trustees.
- St Richard’s was established in 1984. Read more about our history and how our services grew.
- Watch the hospice virtual tour
In to protect our staff at work in the community, they now carry devices that can monitor and record conversations. They can summon support services and the recordings can be used in court proceedings.
In the context of the Savile Recommendations St Richard’s recognises the need to ensure there is no risk to the safety and security of patients and staff arising from visits by celebrities, VIPs and other official visitors.
The organiser will be responsible for ensuring the visitor is accompanied at all times when they are in contact with patients/families/staff/the general public. All St Richard’s Policies and Procedures, including our Safeguarding Policy apply to everyone visiting the hospice to ensure a safe environment.
St Richard’s Hospice is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all those we care for and support. We recognise our responsibility to promote safe practice and to work to protect all from harm.
We work together to encourage a culture which embraces diversity and respects the rights of children, young people and adults. We support the right of all to be free from abuse and to be treated with respect and dignity.
All safeguarding issues are managed by adhering to the adhering to The Care Act 2014, The Children Act 1989 and 2004. For full information on Safeguarding please read the details in the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Statement against discrimination and harassment
St Richard’s Hospice is committed to providing a safe environment for all those who work for us, who use our services, visit or support us.
Verbal abuse, harassment, violence, or discrimination will not be tolerated.
Any person who is extreme or persistent in this behaviour may be excluded from St Richard’s Hospice premises, events and services.