Therapeutic programme

Our Therapeutic Programme takes place on Tuesdays or Thursdays in person in the Living Well Centre.

The programme is designed for patients with an illness that cannot be cured who may require intensive support to help manage symptoms or psychological needs.

The programme offers holistic support from a number of specialists, including: nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, a creative therapist, and complementary therapists.

Working alongside our healthcare professionals, patients identify goals and priorities to help them live as well as possible with their condition at home.

Please note, relatives and carers cannot stay with patients during the Therapeutic Programme. This is due to the one-to-one nature of support offered during the day. Thank you for your understanding.

Information on how to be referred

Living Well Centre social groups - love books
A group of people take part in a seated Tai Chi session in the hospice's Living Well Centre.
Four members of the St Richard's Living Well Team stand side-by-side in the hospice's courtyard garden. Everyone is smiling.